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Dasharo Compatibility: CPU Status

Test cases common documentation

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Generic test setup: firmware.
  2. Proceed with the Generic test setup: OS installer.
  3. Proceed with the Generic test setup: OS installation.
  4. Proceed with the Generic test setup: OS boot from disk.

CPU001.001 CPU works (Ubuntu)

Test description

Check whether the mounted on the DUT CPU works.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Wait for the OPERATING_SYSTEM to boot and note the result.

Expected result

The OPERATING_SYSTEM screen should be displayed.

CPU001.002 CPU works (Windows)

Test description

Check whether the mounted on the DUT CPU works.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Wait for the OPERATING_SYSTEM to boot and note the result.

Expected result

The OPERATING_SYSTEM screen should be displayed.

CPU002.001 CPU cache enabled (Ubuntu)

Test description

Check whether all declared for the DUT cache levels are enabled.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Wait for the OPERATING_SYSTEM to boot.
  3. Execute below command in terminal:

    getconf -a | grep CACHE
  4. Note the result.

Expected result

The output of the command should contain information about all cache levels, their size and association. Example output:

LEVEL1_ICACHE_SIZE                 32768
LEVEL1_ICACHE_ASSOC                32
LEVEL1_ICACHE_LINESIZE             128
LEVEL1_DCACHE_SIZE                 32768
LEVEL1_DCACHE_ASSOC                32
LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE             128
LEVEL2_CACHE_SIZE                  524288
LEVEL2_CACHE_ASSOC                 2048
LEVEL2_CACHE_LINESIZE              32
LEVEL3_CACHE_SIZE                  10485760
LEVEL3_CACHE_ASSOC                 40960
LEVEL3_CACHE_LINESIZE              32
LEVEL4_CACHE_SIZE                  0
LEVEL4_CACHE_ASSOC                 0
LEVEL4_CACHE_LINESIZE              0

CPU002.002 CPU cache enabled (Windows)

Test description

Check whether all declared for the DUT cache levels are enabled.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Wait for the OPERATING_SYSTEM to boot.
  3. Run PowerShell as an administrator and execute command:

    Get-Wmiobject -class win32_cachememory | fl Purpose, CacheType, InstalledSize
  4. Note the result.

Expected result

The output of the command should contain information about all cache levels, their size and association. Example output:

Purpose       : CACHE1
CacheType     : 4
InstalledSize : 192

Purpose       : CACHE1
CacheType     : 3
InstalledSize : 128

Purpose       : CACHE2
CacheType     : 5
InstalledSize : 5120

Purpose       : CACHE3
CacheType     : 5
InstalledSize : 8192

CPU003.001 Multiple CPU support (Ubuntu)

Test description

Check whether the DUT has multiple CPU support.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Wait for the OPERATING_SYSTEM to boot.
  3. Execute below command in terminal:

  4. Note the result.

Expected result

The output of the command should contain basic information about the CPU, including the number of the CPU (s). If CPU(s) are more than 1, the DUT has multiple CPU support. Example results:

Architecture:                    ppc64le
Byte Order:                      Little Endian
CPU(s):                          32
On-line CPU(s) list:             0-31
Thread(s) per core:              4
Core(s) per socket:              4
Socket(s):                       2
NUMA node(s):                    2

CPU003.002 Multiple CPU support (Windows)

Test description

Check whether the DUT has multiple CPU support.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Wait for the OPERATING_SYSTEM to boot.
  3. Run PowerShell as an administrator and execute command:

    WMIC CPU Get NumberOfCores
  4. Note the result.

Expected result

The output of the command should contain information about the CPUs. Example results:


CPU004.001 Multiple-core support (Ubuntu)

Test description

Check whether the DUT has multi-core support.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Wait for the OPERATING_SYSTEM to boot.
  3. Execute below command in terminal:

  4. Note the result.

Expected result

The output of the command should contain basic information about the CPU, including the number of the Core(s) per socket. If Core(s) per socket are more than 1, the DUT has multi-core support. Example results:

Architecture:                    ppc64le
Byte Order:                      Little Endian
CPU(s):                          32
On-line CPU(s) list:             0-31
Thread(s) per core:              4
Core(s) per socket:              4
Socket(s):                       2
NUMA node(s):                    2

CPU004.002 Multiple-core support (Windows)

Test description

Check whether the DUT has multi-core support.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Wait for the OPERATING_SYSTEM to boot.
  3. Run PowerShell as an administrator and check total CPU cores by executing command:

    WMIC CPU Get NumberOfCores
  4. Note the result.

  5. Check total CPU socket number by executing command:

    (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem).NumberOfProcessors
  6. Note the result.

Expected result

  1. If number of cores is higher than number of sockets then DUT has multi-core support. Example outputs:

  2. 1st command:

  • 2nd command: