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Release Notes

Following Release Notes describe status of Open Source Firmware development for QEMU Q35 (Emulator).

v0.2.0 - 2024-26-06

Tests reports and logs can be found here. This release is the first Dasharo (coreboot+UEFI) image, contrary to Dasharo (UEFI) used previously. This makes QEMU Q35 more similar to other platforms, which hopefully will make testing on it more viable.


  • Two different variants available, one with only functional menus, and another with all Dasharo System Features menus enabled
  • Both variants can be created with, both are built by CI
  • Full image has the same menus enabled as previous release, but their contents are limited by coreboot (e.g. if an option is specific to SoC).


  • Firmware image now contains coreboot, in addition to edk2. This changes the way some things work:
    • UEFI variables are saved in SMMSTORE, as in other platforms supported by Dasharo.
    • Availability of some menu options is controlled by coreboot, and may differ based on the way QEMU is started. Examples of this are CPU Configuration menu (its content depends on -smp parameter) and lack of flash protection mechanisms.
    • OVMF package isn't used, instead a common DasharoPlatformPkg is. This makes this release more in line with the rest of Dasharo platforms.
  • Debug output is printed on serial output, instead of dedicated debugcon. This makes it easier to synchronize output from coreboot, edk2 and OS.

Known issues


Binaries can be found in GitHub release.


v0.1.0 - 2023-12-06

Tests reports and logs can be found here.


Following features can be fully used:

Following features are visible in setup menu and can be used for testing the menus, but have no actual backend hooked up:


Binaries can be found in GitHub release.