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Dasharo Compatibility: Dasharo Configuration Utility

DCU001.001 Change the UUID

Test description

The Dasharo Configuration Utility is a part of the Dasharo Tools Suite. This test case verifies that the UUID encoded in the DMI table of an image can be changed using our utility.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Generic test setup: firmware.
  2. Download Dasharo Configuration Utility

Test steps

  1. Run ./dcu smbios -u 96bcfa1a-42b4-6717-a44c-d8bbc18cbea4 coreboot.rom
  2. Flash the coreboot.rom file onto the platform.
  3. Power on the DUT.
  4. Examine the DMI tables with dmidecode.
  5. Note the results.

Expected result

The UUID of the platform should be 96bcfa1a-42b4-6717-a44c-d8bbc18cbea4, just as we had set it.

DCU002.001 Change the serial number

Test description

This test case verifies that the serial number encoded in the DMI table of an image can be changed using our utility.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Generic test setup: firmware.
  2. Download Dasharo Configuration Utility

Test steps

  1. Run ./dcu smbios -s D01234567 coreboot.rom
  2. Flash the coreboot.rom file onto the platform.
  3. Power on the DUT.
  4. Examine the DMI tables with dmidecode.
  5. Note the results.

Expected result

The serial number of the platform should be D01234567, just as we had set it.

Test description

This test case verifies that the bootsplash logo of an image can be changed using our utility. PLEASE NOTE that a display device must be physically connected to the DUT for this test to pass.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Generic test setup: firmware.
  2. Download Dasharo Configuration Utility

Test steps

  1. Run ./dcu logo -l ./logo.svg coreboot.rom
  2. Flash the coreboot.rom file onto the platform.
  3. Power on the DUT.
  4. Verify the bootsplash logo.

Expected result

The bootsplash logo should now be your image of choice placed under ./logo.svg.