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Dasharo Compatibility: Embedded Controller and Super I/O initialization

Test cases common documentation

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Generic test setup: firmware.
  2. Proceed with the Generic test setup: OS installer.
  3. Proceed with the Generic test setup: OS installation.
  4. Proceed with the Generic test setup: OS boot from disk.

ECR001.001 Battery monitoring - charge level in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies whether the battery charge level is reported in the OS.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Locate the power menu in the upper right corner of the screen.
  5. Open the power menu and locate the battery status indicator.

Expected result

  1. The battery status indicator should show the current charge level (percentage left).

ECR001.002 Battery monitoring - charge level in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies whether the battery charge level is reported in the OS.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Locate the power menu in the lower right corner of the screen.

Expected result

  1. The battery status indicator should show the current charge level (percentage left).

ECR001.003 Battery start charge threshold

Test description

The setup menu allows you to set your own threshold for the start of battery charging, which defines the level above which the battery will not start to charge. The aim of this test is to check that functionality.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Enter Dasharo Setup Menu
  3. Enter Dasharo System Features
  4. Enter Power Management Options
  5. Set Battery Start Charge Threshold to e.g. 60%
  6. Discharge the battery below the previously set level
  7. Charge battery above the previously set level
  8. Reconnect charging cable

Expected result

After reconnecting the charging cable, the battery should not start charging.

ECR001.004 Battery stop charge threshold

Test description

The setup menu allows you to set your own threshold for the stop of battery charging, which defines the level above which the battery will stop charging. The aim of this test is to check that functionality.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Enter Dasharo Setup Menu
  3. Enter Dasharo System Features
  4. Enter Power Management Options
  5. Set Battery Stop Charge Threshold to desired value
  6. Wait until the battery is charged to the stop threshold.

Expected result

The battery should stop charging at stop threshold.

ECR002.001 Battery monitoring - charging state in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the power supply state is detected correctly in the OS.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Locate the power menu in the upper right corner of the screen.
  5. Open the power menu and locate the battery status indicator.
  6. Note the current state.
  7. Unplug the power supply and wait for the battery charge state to change to Discharging.
  8. Plug in the power supply and wait for the battery charge state to change to Charging.

Expected result

  1. The battery charge indicator should correctly show whether the power supply is plugged in or not.
  2. The battery charge indicator should detect the AC adapter state change within seconds of the adapter being plugged in/out.

ECR002.002 Battery monitoring - charging state in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the power supply state is detected correctly in the OS.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Locate the power menu in the lower right corner of the screen.
  5. Open the power menu and locate the battery status indicator.
  6. Note the current state.
  7. Unplug the power supply and wait for the battery charge state to change to on battery.
  8. Plug in the power supply and wait for the battery charge state to change to plugged in.

Expected result

  1. The battery charge indicator should correctly show whether the power supply is plugged in or not.
  2. The battery charge indicator should detect the AC adapter state change within seconds of the adapter being plugged in / out.

ECR003.001 Touchpad in OS - (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the touchpad is initialized correctly and is detected by the operating system.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.
  2. Install libinput-tools on the DUT.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Verify that the cursor can be moved with the touchpad and that clicking works (test both clicking and tapping).
  5. Run sudo libinput debug-events in the terminal:
    1. Verify that scrolling with 2 fingers generates a POINTER_AXIS event,
    2. Verify that pinching with 2 fingers generates a GESTURE_PINCH_UPDATE event.
  6. Press Ctrl + C to terminate the libinput program.

Expected result

  1. Moving the cursor, clicking, zooming and scrolling are detected correctly by the operating system.

ECR003.002 Touchpad in OS - (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the touchpad is initialized correctly and is detected by the operating system.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Verify that the cursor can be moved with the touchpad and that clicking works (test both clicking and tapping).
  5. Open C:\Windows in Windows Explorer
    1. Verify that scrolling with 2 fingers moves the content of the window,
    2. Verify that pinching with 2 fingers zooms in and zooms out the content.

Expected result

  1. Moving the cursor, clicking, zooming and scrolling are detected correctly by the operating system.

ECR004.001 Keyboard (standard keypad) in firmware

Test description

This test verifies that the keyboard is detected correctly by the firmware and all basic keys work according to their labels.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Generic test setup: firmware

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT and press the BIOS_SETUP_KEY to enter the setup menu.
  2. Use the arrow keys and the Enter key to navigate the menus.

Expected result

  1. All menus can be entered using the internal keyboard.

ECR004.002 Keyboard (standard keypad) in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the keyboard is detected correctly by the operating system and all basic keys work according to their labels.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.
  2. Install libinput-tools on the DUT.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Run sudo libinput debug-events --show-keycodes in the terminal.
  5. Press each keyboard key and check the generated keycode.

Expected result

  1. All standard keyboard keys generate the correct keycodes and events as per their labels.
  2. Key combinations are detected correctly.

ECR004.003 Keyboard (standard keypad) in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the keyboard is detected correctly by the operating system and all basic keys work according to their labels.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Open notepad
    1. Test the alphanumeric keys and note the generated characters
    2. Test non-alphanumeric keys and verify that they generate the signs
    3. Test key combinations with the Shift, and Alt modifier keys
  5. Open On-Screen Keyboard and press Ctrl key on the hardware keyboard. Check if On-Screen Keyboard correctly highlights it.
  6. Open Start menu and press Esc. Check if Start menu is properly closed.

Expected result

  1. All standard keyboard keys generate correct characters or actions when pressed.
  2. Key combinations are detected correctly.

ECR005.001 Keyboard (function key: play/pause) in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the play/pause hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.
  2. Install libinput-tools on the DUT.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Run sudo libinput debug-events --show-keycodes in the terminal.
  5. Verify that pressing the play/pause key generates a KEY_PLAYPAUSE event.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the play/pause hotkey generates a KEY_PLAYPAUSE event.

ECR005.002 Keyboard (function key: play/pause) in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the play/pause hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Start Groove Music
  5. Verify that when pressing the play/pause button, player menu appears in the upper left part of the screen for a few seconds.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the play/pause hotkey is properly detected by the OS

ECR006.001 Keyboard (function key: cooling mode) in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the cooling mode hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the cooling mode hotkey (Fn + 1) once and note the effect.
  5. Press the cooling mode hotkey once again and note the effect.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey once should activate the cooling mode (fans should spin up to their maximum speed).
  2. Pressing the hotkey again should deactivate the cooling mode (fans should return to normal).

ECR006.002 Keyboard (function key: cooling mode) in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the cooling mode hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the cooling mode hotkey (Fn + 1) once and note the effect.
  5. Press the cooling mode hotkey once again and note the effect.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey once should activate the cooling mode (fans should spin up to their maximum speed).
  2. Pressing the hotkey again should deactivate the cooling mode (fans should return to normal).

ECR007.001 Keyboard (function key: touchpad on/off) in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the touchpad on/off hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.
  5. Create a file /etc/udev/hwdb.d/60-keyboard.hwdb with the following contents:

  6. Execute the following commands:

sudo systemd-hwdb update
sudo udevadm trigger

Test steps

  1. Press the touchpad on/off key and try to use the touchpad.
  2. Press the touchpad on/off key once again and try to use the touchpad again.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey once should deactivate the touchpad (touchpad should be completely inoperable).
  2. Pressing the hotkey again should reactivate the touchpad.

ECR007.002 Keyboard (function key: touchpad on/off) in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the touchpad on/off hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the touchpad on/off key and try to use the touchpad.
  5. Press the touchpad on/off key once again and try to use the touchpad again.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey once should deactivate the touchpad (touchpad should be completely inoperable).
  2. Pressing the hotkey again should reactivate the touchpad.

ECR008.001 Keyboard (function key: display on/off) in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the display on/off hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the display on/off hotkey once and note the effect.
  5. Press any key on the keyboard and note the effect.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey once should turn the internal LCD panel off.
  2. Pressing any key on the keyboard should power the internal LCD panel back on.

ECR008.002 Keyboard (function key: display on/off) in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the display on/off hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the display on/off hotkey once and note the effect.
  5. Press any key on the keyboard and note the effect.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey once should turn the internal LCD panel off.
  2. Pressing any key on the keyboard should power the internal LCD panel back on.

ECR009.001 Keyboard (function key: mute) in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the volume mute hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the volume mute hotkey twice and note the effect each keypress has.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey should mute or unmute the currently enabled audio output.
  2. Each keypress should cause a mute/unmute notification to appear in the middle of the screen.

ECR009.002 Keyboard (function key: mute) in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the mute hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the mute hotkey once and check the volume indicator in the bottom right part of the screen.
  5. Press the mute hotkey once and check the volume indicator again.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey once should mute the device
  2. Pressing the hotkey again should re-enable the sound

ECR010.001 Keyboard (function key: keyboard backlight) in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the keyboard backlight hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the keyboard backlight hotkey 6 times and note the effect on the keyboard backlight after each keypress.

Expected result

  1. The keyboard has 6 backlight settings from 0% to 100% Each keypress should set the keyboard to the next mode, with the last mode wrapping back around to the first.

ECR010.002 Keyboard (function key: keyboard backlight) in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the keyboard backlight hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the keyboard backlight hotkey 6 times and note the effect on the keyboard backlight after each keypress.

Expected result

  1. The keyboard has 6 backlight settings from 0% to 100% Each keypress should set the keyboard to the next mode, with the last mode wrapping back around to the first.

ECR011.001 Keyboard (function key: volume down) in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the volume down hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the volume down hotkey once and note the effects.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey should decrease the volume of the currently enabled audio output.
  2. Each key press should cause a volume down notification to appear in the middle of the screen.

ECR011.002 Keyboard (function key: volume down) in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the volume down hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the volume down hotkey once and note the effects.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey should decrease the volume of the currently enabled audio output.
  2. Each key press should cause a volume down notification to appear in the upper left part of the screen.

ECR012.001 Keyboard (function key: volume up) in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the volume up hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the volume up hotkey once and note the effects.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey should increase the volume of the currently enabled audio output.
  2. Each key press should cause a volume up notification to appear in the middle of the screen.

ECR012.002 Keyboard (function key: volume up) in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the volume up hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the volume down hotkey once and note the effects.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey should increase the volume of the currently enabled audio output.
  2. Each key press should cause a volume up notification to appear in the upper left part of the screen.

ECR013.001 Keyboard (function key: display switch) in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the display switch hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.
  2. Install libinput-tools on the DUT.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Run sudo libinput debug-events --show-keycodes in the terminal.
  5. Press the display switch hotkey once and note the effect.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey should yield the following output in the terminal:

    -event3   KEYBOARD_KEY     +0.000s  KEY_LEFTMETA (125) pressed
     event3   KEYBOARD_KEY     +0.004s  KEY_P (25) pressed
     event3   KEYBOARD_KEY     +0.010s  KEY_P (25) released
     event3   KEYBOARD_KEY     +0.015s  KEY_LEFTMETA (125) released

ECR013.002 Keyboard (function key: display switch) in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the display switch hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the display switch hotkey once and note the effect.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey should cause the display settings bar to appear on the right part of the screen.

ECR014.001 Keyboard (function key: brightness down) in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the brightness down hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test steps

  1. Press the brightness down hotkey once and note the effects.

Expected result

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Pressing the hotkey should decrease the brightness of the internal LCD display.
  5. Each key press should cause a brightness down notification to appear in the middle of the screen.

ECR014.002 Keyboard (function key: brightness down) in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the brightness down hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the brightness down hotkey once and note the effects.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey should decrease the brightness of the internal LCD display.
  2. Each key press should cause a brightness down notification to appear in the top left of the screen.

ECR015.001 Keyboard (function key: brightness up) in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the brightness up hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the brightness up hotkey once and note the effects.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey should increase the brightness of the internal LCD display.
  2. Each key press should cause a brightness up notification to appear in the middle of the screen.

ECR015.002 Keyboard (function key: brightness up) in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the brightness down hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the brightness up hotkey once and note the effects.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey should increase the brightness of the internal LCD display.
  2. Each key press should cause a brightness up notification to appear in the top left of the screen.

ECR016.001 Keyboard (function key: camera on/off) in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the camera on/off hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Open the terminal and run the command: watch -n1 lsusb.
  5. Press the camera on/off hotkey twice and note the effect after each keypress.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey once should make the Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd Chicony USB2.0 Camera device disappear from the output of lsusb.
  2. Pressing the hotkey again should make the USB device reappear.

ECR016.002 Keyboard (function key: camera on/off) in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the camera on/off hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Open the Camera app.
  5. Press the camera on/off hotkey twice and note the effect after a few seconds after the keypress.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey once should make the camera image disappear.
  2. Pressing the hotkey again should make the camera image appear again after a few seconds.

ECR017.001 Keyboard (function key: flight mode) in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the flight mode hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Locate and open the power menu in the upper right corner of the screen.
  5. Enter Settings and navigate to the Wi-Fi panel.
  6. Note the current state of the Airplane Mode switch.
  7. Press the flight mode hotkey twice and note the result of each keypress.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey once should enable airplane mode.
  2. Pressing the hotkey again should disable airplane mode.

ECR017.002 Keyboard (function key: flight mode) in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the flight mode hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the camera on/off hotkey twice and note the effect after the key press.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the hotkey once should enable airplane mode and cause airplane mode on notification to appear in the top right part of the screen.
  2. Pressing the hotkey again should disable airplane mode and cause airplane mode off notification to appear in the top right part of the screen.

ECR018.001 Keyboard (function key: sleep) in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the sleep hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the sleep hotkey once and note the result.

Expected result

  1. The laptop should go to sleep within seconds of the hotkey being pressed.
  2. The power LED should be blinking green, indicating the laptop is sleeping.

ECR018.002 Keyboard (function key: sleep) in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the sleep hotkey works correctly.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.
  2. Proceed with the Installing updates and drivers section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Wait 30 seconds for the system to load fully.
  5. Press the sleep hotkey once and note the result.

Expected result

  1. The laptop should go to sleep within seconds of the hotkey being pressed.
  2. The power LED should be blinking green, indicating the laptop is sleeping.

ECR019.001 Buttons (button: power) in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the power button is detected correctly by the operating system. In Ubuntu 22.04 OS the default function assigned to this key is suspend mode.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Open the terminal and run the following command to check the power button action:

    gsettings get org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power power-button-action
  5. If the status is other than suspend run the following command to change the power button action:

    gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power power-button-action "suspend"
  6. Check the power button action again by running the following command:

    gsettings get org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power power-button-action
  7. Press the power button once and note the result.

  8. Press Enter and note the result.
  9. Run the following command to check last finished operation:

    journalctl | grep systemd-logind | tail -1

Expected result

  1. Pressing the button once should make laptop enter sleep mode.
  2. The power LED should be blinking green, indicating the laptop is sleeping.
  3. After completing the 5th step device should wake up.
  4. The output of the last command should contain the line:

    Operation 'sleep' finished

ECR019.002 Buttons (button: power) in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the power button is detected correctly by the operating system. In Windows 11 OS the default function assigned to this key is sleep mode.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.
  2. Proceed with the Installing updates and drivers section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Wait 30 seconds for the system to load fully.
  5. Press the power button once and note the result.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the button once should make laptop enter sleep mode.
  2. The power LED should be blinking green, indicating the laptop is sleeping.

ECR020.001 Buttons (button: lid switch) in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the lid switch is detected correctly by the operating system.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Open one terminal window and run the following command:

    sudo systemd-inhibit --what handle-lid-switch --mode block watch echo "Inhibiting lid switch"
  5. Open another terminal and run the command sleep 5 && cat /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID0/state to read the state of the lid while it is closed.

  6. Close the lid and wait 5 seconds.
  7. Open the lid and note the output of the command.
  8. Run the command cat /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID0/state while the lid is open and note the output.

Expected result

  1. The output of the second command should report that the lid is closed.
  2. The output of the third command should report that the lid is open.

ECR020.002 Buttons (button: lid switch) in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the lid switch is detected correctly by the operating system.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.
  2. Proceed with the Installing updates and drivers section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Wait 30 seconds for the system to load fully.
  5. Close the lid and note the effect on the power LED.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the button once should make laptop enter sleep mode.
  2. The power LED should be blinking green, indicating the laptop is sleeping.

ECR021.001 Keyboard (function key: RGB keyboard toggle) in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the RGB keyboard toggle hotkey is handled properly by the operating system.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the RGB keyboard toggle hotkey twice and note the result each time.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the button once should disable the keyboard backlight.
  2. Pressing the button again should re-enable the keyboard backlight.

ECR021.002 Keyboard (function key: RGB keyboard toggle) in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the RGB keyboard toggle hotkey is handled properly by the operating system.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the RGB keyboard toggle hotkey twice and note the result each time.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the button once should disable the keyboard backlight.
  2. Pressing the button again should re-enable the keyboard backlight.

ECR022.001 RGB keyboard next color FN key in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the RGB keyboard's next color hotkey is handled properly by the operating system.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the RGB keyboard color hotkey repeatedly until the keyboard cycles through all color modes.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the button once should switch the keyboard color.
  2. All color modes according to product documentation should be accessible.

ECR022.002 RGB keyboard next color FN key in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the RGB keyboard's next color hotkey is handled properly by the operating system.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the RGB keyboard color hotkey repeatedly until the keyboard cycles through all color modes.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the button once should switch the keyboard color.
  2. All color modes according to product documentation should be accessible.

ECR023.001 RGB keyboard brightness down FN key in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the RGB keyboard brightness down hotkey is handled properly by the operating system.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the RGB keyboard brightness down hotkey and note the result.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the button once should lower the keyboard backlight

ECR023.002 RGB keyboard brightness down FN key in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the RGB keyboard brightness down hotkey is handled properly by the operating system.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the RGB keyboard brightness down hotkey and note the result.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the button once should lower the keyboard backlight.

ECR024.001 RGB keyboard brightness up FN key in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the RGB keyboard brightness up hotkey is handled properly by the operating system.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the RGB keyboard brightness up hotkey and note the result.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the button once should increase the keyboard backlight.

ECR024.002 RGB keyboard brightness up FN key in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the RGB keyboard brightness up hotkey is handled properly by the operating system.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Press the RGB keyboard brightness up hotkey and note the result.

Expected result

  1. Pressing the button once should increase the keyboard backlight.

ECR025.001 Permanent keyboard illumination after cold-boot (Firmware)

Test description

This test aims to verify that after performing cold-boot, keyboard still illuminates in firmware.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Generic test setup: firmware

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT and press the BIOS_SETUP_KEY to enter the setup menu.
  2. Set keyboard brightness and color to arbitrary settings.
  3. Disconnect power source, and remove battery if present.
  4. Connect power and battery again.
  5. Power on the DUT again and press the BIOS_SETUP_KEY to enter the setup menu.

Expected result

  1. After cold-boot keyboard brightness and colors settings remain the same.

ECR025.002 Permanent keyboard illumination after cold-boot (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test aims to verify that after performing cold-boot, keyboard still illuminates in Ubuntu.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the OPERATING_SYSTEM.
  3. Log into the OPERATING_SYSTEM by using the proper login and password.
  4. Set keyboard brightness and color to arbitrary settings.
  5. Disconnect power source, and remove battery if present.
  6. Connect power and battery again.
  7. Power on the DUT.
  8. Boot into the OPERATING_SYSTEM.
  9. Log into the OPERATING_SYSTEM by using the proper login and password.

Expected result

  1. After cold-boot keyboard brightness and colors settings remain the same.

ECR025.003 Permanent keyboard illumination after cold-boot (Windows)

Test description

This test aims to verify that after performing cold-boot, keyboard still illuminates in Windows.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the OPERATING_SYSTEM.
  3. Log into the OPERATING_SYSTEM by using the proper login and password.
  4. Set keyboard brightness and color to arbitrary settings.
  5. Disconnect power source, and remove battery if present.
  6. Connect power and battery again.
  7. Power on the DUT.
  8. Boot into the OPERATING_SYSTEM.
  9. Log into the OPERATING_SYSTEM by using the proper login and password.

Expected result

  1. After cold-boot keyboard brightness and colors settings remain the same.

ECR026.001 Permanent keyboard illumination after warm-boot (Firmware)

Test description

This test aims to verify that after performing warm-boot, keyboard still illuminates in firmware.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Generic test setup: firmware

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT and press the BIOS_SETUP_KEY to enter the setup menu.
  2. Set keyboard brightness and color to arbitrary settings.
  3. Power off the DUT using power button.
  4. Power on the DUT again and press the BIOS_SETUP_KEY to enter the setup menu.

Expected result

  1. After warm-boot keyboard brightness and colors settings remain the same.

ECR026.002 Permanent keyboard illumination after warm-boot (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test aims to verify that after performing warm-boot, keyboard still illuminates in Ubuntu.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the OPERATING_SYSTEM.
  3. Log into the OPERATING_SYSTEM by using the proper login and password.
  4. Set keyboard brightness and color to arbitrary settings.
  5. Power off the DUT using power button.
  6. Power on the DUT.
  7. Boot into the OPERATING_SYSTEM.
  8. Log into the OPERATING_SYSTEM by using the proper login and password.

Expected result

  1. After warm-boot keyboard brightness and colors settings remain the same.

ECR026.003 Permanent keyboard illumination after warm-boot (Windows)

Test description

This test aims to verify that after performing warm-boot, keyboard still illuminates in Windows.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the OPERATING_SYSTEM.
  3. Log into the OPERATING_SYSTEM by using the proper login and password.
  4. Set keyboard brightness and color to arbitrary settings.
  5. Power off the DUT using power button.
  6. Power on the DUT.
  7. Boot into the OPERATING_SYSTEM.
  8. Log into the OPERATING_SYSTEM by using the proper login and password.

Expected result

  1. After warm-boot keyboard brightness and colors settings remain the same.

ECR027.001 Permanent keyboard illumination after reboot (Firmware)

Test description

This test aims to verify that after performing reboot, keyboard still illuminates in firmware.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Generic test setup: firmware

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT and press the BIOS_SETUP_KEY to enter the setup menu.
  2. Set keyboard brightness and color to arbitrary settings.
  3. Select Reset option from the bottom of the list.
  4. During boot press the BIOS_SETUP_KEY to enter the setup menu.

Expected result

  1. After reboot keyboard brightness and colors settings remain the same.

ECR027.002 Permanent keyboard illumination after reboot (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test aims to verify that after performing reboot, keyboard still illuminates in Ubuntu

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Set keyboard brightness and color to arbitrary settings.
  5. Reboot the device using:

    sudo reboot now

Expected result

  1. After reboot keyboard brightness and colors settings remain the same.

ECR027.003 Permanent keyboard illumination after reboot (Windows)

Test description

This test aims to verify that after performing reboot, keyboard still illuminates in Windows 11.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Set keyboard brightness and color to arbitrary settings.
  5. Reboot the device executing in PowerShell:


Expected result

  1. After reboot keyboard brightness and colors settings remain the same.

ECR028.001 Permanent keyboard illumination after suspension (Firmware)

Test description

This test aims to verify that after performing suspension, keyboard still illuminates in firmware.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo
  2. SUSPEND_KEY = Fn + F12

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Generic test setup: firmware

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT and press the BIOS_SETUP_KEY to enter the setup menu.
  2. Set keyboard brightness and color to arbitrary settings.
  3. Suspend the DUT using SUSPEND_KEY.
  4. Wake the device from suspend pressing any key on keyboard.

Expected result

  1. After suspend keyboard brightness and colors settings remain the same.

ECR028.002 Permanent keyboard illumination after suspension (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test aims to verify that after performing suspension, keyboard still illuminates in Ubuntu

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo
  3. SUSPEND_KEY = Fn + F12

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Set keyboard brightness and color to arbitrary settings.
  5. Suspend the DUT using SUSPEND_KEY.
  6. Wake the device from suspend pressing any key on keyboard.

Expected result

  1. After suspend keyboard brightness and colors settings remain the same.

ECR028.003 Permanent keyboard illumination after suspension (Windows)

Test description

This test aims to verify that after performing suspension, keyboard still illuminates in Windows.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo
  3. SUSPEND_KEY = Fn + F12

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Set keyboard brightness and color to arbitrary settings.
  5. Suspend the DUT using SUSPEND_KEY.
  6. Wake the device from suspend pressing any key on keyboard.

Expected result

  1. After suspend keyboard brightness and colors settings remain the same.

ECR029.001 FnLock Hotkey (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test aims to verify that FnLock hotkey functionality works properly on Ubuntu.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo
  3. FN_LOCK_KEY = Fn + CapsLock

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Use FN_LOCK_KEY to activate Fn lock functionality.
  5. Test function keys F1 - F12 and note the results.

Expected result

  1. The function keys F1 - F12 behave as if Fn key is pressed.

ECR029.002 FnLock Hotkey (Windows)

Test description

This test aims to verify that FnLock hotkey functionality works properly on Windows.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo
  3. FN_LOCK_KEY = Fn + CapsLock

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Use FN_LOCK_KEY to activate Fn lock functionality.
  5. Test function keys F1 - F12 and note the results.

Expected result

  1. The function keys F1 - F12 behave as if Fn key is pressed.

ECR030.001 Charging until 98% battery level (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test aims to verify if charging the battery stops when the battery level reaches 98% mark.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Open a terminal window and execute following command to check current battery charge level percentage:

    cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity
  5. Note the results.

  6. If the battery level sits below 95% mark, plug the charger into the DUT.
  7. If the battery level sits above 95% mark, wait until the DUT's battery discharges to below 95% level and then plug the charger into the DUT.
  8. Wait until the DUT's battery charge level reaches 98%.
  9. Open a terminal window and execute following command to confirm that the battery charging stops at 98% mark:

    cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status
  10. Note the results.

Expected result

  1. The output of the cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity command should contain information about the current battery charge level.
  2. The output of the cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status command should contain information about the current battery charging status. Example output:

    not charging

ECR030.001 Not charging between 95% and 98% levels (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test aims to verify if charging the battery does not start after plugging in the charger into the DUT when the battery level sits between 95% and 98%.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Open a terminal window and execute following command to check current battery charge level percentage:

    cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity
  5. Note the results.

  6. If the battery level sits between 95% and 98%, plug the charger into the DUT.
  7. If the battery level sits below 95%, plug the charger into the DUT, wait until the battery reaches the level between 95% and 98% and then unplug the charger and plug it back in into the DUT.
  8. Open a terminal window and execute following command to confirm that the battery does not start charging:

    cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status
  9. The output of the cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity command should contain information about the current battery charge level.

  10. The output of the cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status command should contain information about the current battery charging status. Example output:

    not charging

ECR031.001 EC firmware sync in coreboot

Test description

This test verifies the automatic EC firmware update / sync feature in coreboot.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.
  2. Downgrade to the previous firmware version (both EC and coreboot must be downgraded) if needed.
  3. Keep AC adapter or USB-PD power supply connected for the duration of the test.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Proceed with the firmware update steps as documented in the firmware update guide.
  3. Reboot the DUT after updating firmware.
  4. Wait until the DUT updates the EC (indicated by the fans spinning at full speed) and powers off.
  5. Power on the DUT.
  6. Note the EC firmware version displayed on the Dasharo boot screen.

Expected result

  1. The EC version displayed on the boot screen should match the expected version number.
  2. There should not be a pop-up indicating that the EC update failed for any reason.

ECR032.001 EC firmware sync in coreboot blocked when AC not connected

Test description

This test verifies that the automatic EC firmware update / sync feature in coreboot does not attempt to update the EC while an AC adapter is not connected.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.
  2. Downgrade to the previous firmware version (both EC and coreboot must be downgraded) if needed.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Proceed with the firmware update steps as documented in the firmware update guide.
  3. Disconnect the AC adapter, if connected.
  4. Reboot the DUT.
  5. Note the contents of the popup displayed on the Dasharo boot screen.

Expected result

  1. A warning message should appear, informing the user that the EC update did not proceed correctly, and asking them to reboot with an AC adapter connected.

ECR033.001 EC power button watchdog

Test description

This test verifies that the EC power switch watchdog feature is functional and can reset the EC.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.
  2. Attach EC debugger to the DUT.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Hold the power button pressed for at least 10 seconds
  3. Note any messages appearing on the EC debug interface.

Expected result

  1. The debug logs should contain a message indicating that the EC was reset due to watchdog timeout reset, e.g.:

    Last reset caused by PWRSW WDT Timeout!

ECR034.001 Soft Switch Microphone Key (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that Fn+4 key combination for microphone soft switch works

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Go to Settings -> Sound
  5. Observe the bar above the Input Device option
  6. Press the Fn+4 combination at will

Expected result

  1. The Fn+4 should toggle the mic ON and OFF and it should be seen on the aforementioned bar which state is currently active as noise made will make the bar go back and forth if ON and completely still if OFF

ECR034.002 Soft Switch Microphone Key (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that Fn+4 key combination for microphone soft switch works

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Go to Settings -> System -> Sound
  5. Observe the bar located on the mic volume slider
  6. Press the Fn+4 combination at will

Expected result

  1. The Fn+4 should toggle the mic ON and OFF and it should be seen on the aforementioned bar which state is currently active as the noise made will make the bar go back and forth if ON and completely still if OFF

SIO001.001 PS/2 mouse in OS - (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the touchpad is initialized correctly and is detected by the operating system.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.
  2. Connect PS/2 mouse to the green PS/2 port on the board or the PS/2 splitter (if the board has a unified, black PS/2 connector)

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Verify that the cursor can be moved with the PS/2 mouse and that clicking works.

Expected result

  1. Moving the cursor and clicking working correctly in the operating system.

SIO001.002 PS/2 mouse in OS - (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the touchpad is initialized correctly and is detected by the operating system.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.
  2. Connect PS/2 mouse to the green PS/2 port on the board or the PS/2 splitter (if the board has a unified, black PS/2 connector)

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Verify that the cursor can be moved with the PS/2 mouse and that clicking works.

Expected result

  1. Moving the cursor and clicking working correctly in the operating system.

SIO002.001 PS/2 keyboard in firmware

Test description

This test verifies that the keyboard is detected correctly by the firmware and all basic keys work according to their labels.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Generic test setup: firmware
  2. Connect PS/2 keyboard to the violet PS/2 port on the board or the PS/2 splitter (if the board has a unified, black PS/2 connector)

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT and press the BIOS_SETUP_KEY to enter the setup menu.
  2. Use the arrow keys and the Enter key to navigate the menus.

Expected result

  1. All menus can be entered using the PS/2 keyboard.

SIO002.002 PS/2 keyboard in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the keyboard is detected correctly by the operating system and all basic keys work according to their labels.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.
  2. Connect PS/2 keyboard to the violet PS/2 port on the board or the PS/2 splitter (if the board has a unified, black PS/2 connector)

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Run sudo libinput debug-events --show-keycodes in the terminal.
  5. Press keyboard keys and check the generated keycode.

Expected result

  1. All standard keyboard keys generate the correct keycodes and events as per their labels.
  2. Key combinations are detected correctly.

SIO002.003 PS/2 keyboard in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the keyboard is detected correctly by the operating system and all basic keys work according to their labels.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.
  2. Connect PS/2 keyboard to the violet PS/2 port on the board or the PS/2 splitter (if the board has a unified, black PS/2 connector)

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Open notepad
    • Test the alphanumeric keys and note the generated characters
    • Test non-alphanumeric keys and verify that they generate the signs
    • Test key combinations with the Shift, and Alt modifier keys
  5. Open On-Screen Keyboard and press Ctrl key on the hardware keyboard. Check if On-Screen Keyboard correctly highlights it.
  6. Open Start menu and press Esc. Check if Start menu is properly closed.

Expected result

  1. All standard keyboard keys generate correct characters or actions when pressed.
  2. Key combinations are detected correctly.

SIO003.001 PS/2 keyboard wake in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the keyboard is detected correctly by the operating system and all basic keys work according to their labels.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.
  2. Connect PS/2 keyboard to the violet PS/2 port on the board or the PS/2 splitter (if the board has a unified, black PS/2 connector)

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Suspend the system to RAM.
  5. Press a keyboard key to wake the platform.

Expected result

  1. Platform is resuming to the OS from sleep after pressing the key.

SIO003.002 PS/2 keyboard wake in OS (Windows)

Test description

This test verifies that the keyboard is detected correctly by the operating system and all basic keys work according to their labels.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.
  2. Connect PS/2 keyboard to the violet PS/2 port on the board or the PS/2 splitter (if the board has a unified, black PS/2 connector)

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Suspend the system to RAM.
  5. Press a keyboard key to wake the platform.

Expected result

  1. Platform is resuming to the OS from sleep after pressing the key.

SIO004.001 Serial port in firmware

Test description

This test verifies that the serial port is detected correctly by the firmware and the menu can be traversed with serial console.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Generic test setup: firmware
  2. Connect DB9 null modem cable to RS232/USB adapter and the onboard serial port connector.

Test steps

  1. Open the terminal emulator, e.g. minicom, on the RS232/USB adapter.
  2. Power on the DUT and press the BIOS_SETUP_KEY to enter the setup menu.
  3. Use the arrow keys and the Enter key to navigate the menus.

Expected result

  1. All menus can be entered using the serial console.

SIO004.002 Serial port in OS (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test verifies that the serial port is detected correctly by the operating system and can be utilized as serial console.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.
  2. Connect DB9 null modem cable to RS232/USB adapter and the onboard serial port connector.
  3. Configure Linux kernel parameters to use serial console, e.g. console=ttyS0,115200

Test steps

  1. Open the terminal emulator, e.g. minicom, on the RS232/USB adapter.
  2. Power on the DUT.
  3. Boot into the system.
  4. Log into the system by using the proper login and password through serial console.

Expected result

  1. Serial port can be used as Linux console to log in.
  2. Serial port can be used to execute commands in bash/shell.