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Serial port connection guide

This document describes how to set up a serial connection between RTE and another device.


  • Prepared RTE
  • Two jumpers
  • Choose one of the following cables depending on the connectivity to your platform:
    • RS232<->RJ45 cable,
    • RS232<->RS232 cable,
    • USB<->RS232 cable,
    • micro-USB<->USB cable,
    • 3-wire cable.

Setting serial connection

  1. Put the two jumpers on RTE J16 Header:

    1. For the RS232 port, they join COM and RS232 rows both on RX and TX columns.
    2. For the UART port (only during using a 3-wire cable), they join COM and EXT rows both on RX and TX columns.
    3. For the micro-USB-USB cable, jumpers aren't required.
  2. Connect the RTE header (J14 or J18) with the device serial port. Use the cable according to the DUT specification:

    1. DUT has a serial port -> needs to use an RS232<->RS232 cable.
    2. DUT has the debug port in the form of the RJ45 -> needs to use an RS232<->RJ45 cable.
    3. DUT has the debug port in the form of the USB -> needs to use an RS232<->USB cable.
    4. DUT has the debug port in the form of the micro-USB -> needs to use a micro-USB<->USB cable.
    5. DUT doesn't have a port but has pins for serial connection on the board -> need to use a 3-wire cable.
  3. Connect with RTE via ssh or minicom. To connect via ssh is required to know RTE IP and connection to the internet on both sides. While using a minicom there is a need to use the USB-UART converter.

  4. There are two ways to open a serial connection:

    1. Telnet - by executing the following command:

      telnet 192.168.X.X 13541

      To configure telnet connections, update the file /etc/ser2net.conf using vim. Then reboot the RTE to apply the changes. The dmesg command allows to identify the latest connected devices.

    2. Minicom - by executing the following command:

      minicom -D /dev/ttyS1 -o -b 115200

      Replace ttyS1 with ttyUSB0 while using micro-USB-USB cable.