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Building manual


This documents describes the procedure for compiling Dasharo firmware compatible with MSI PRO Z690-A and MSI PRO Z790-P.


sudo apt install git unzip wget
  • UEFIExtract installed
    • this tool is used in the script to extract CPU microcode from the original MSI firmware
sudo apt install wget
sudo cp ./UEFIExtract /usr/local/bin


Obtain Dasharo source code:

Replace the REVISION with one of the:

  • msi_ms7d25_vVERSION tag for the given release VERSION (e.g. msi_ms7d25_v1.1.3), RECOMMENDED
  • dasharo branch for a development version with unreleased changes past most recent release version
  • msi_ms7d25/release branch for the release versions up to v1.1.2

Replace the REVISION with one of the:

  • msi_ms7d25_vVERSION tag for the given release VERSION (e.g. msi_ms7d25_v1.1.3), RECOMMENDED
  • dasharo branch for a development version with unreleased changes past most recent release version
  • msi_ms7d25/release branch for the release versions up to v1.1.2

Replace the REVISION with one of the:

  • msi_ms7e06_vVERSION tag for the given release VERSION (e.g. msi_ms7e06_v0.9.1), RECOMMENDED
  • dasharo branch for a development version with unreleased changes past most recent release version
  • msi_ms7d25/release branch for the release versions up to v0.9.0

Replace the REVISION with one of the:

  • msi_ms7e06_vVERSION tag for the given release VERSION (e.g. msi_ms7e06_v0.9.1), RECOMMENDED
  • dasharo branch for a development version with unreleased changes past most recent release version
  • msi_ms7d25/release branch for the release versions up to v0.9.0
git clone -b REVISION
cd coreboot

Start the build process:

For v1.1.1 and older:

./ ddr4

For v1.1.2 and newer:

./ z690a_ddr4

The resulting Dasharo firmware image will be placed at $PWD/msi_ms7d25_VERSION_ddr4.rom.

For v1.1.1 and older:

./ ddr5

For v1.1.2 and newer:

./ z690a_ddr5

The resulting Dasharo firmware image will be placed at $PWD/msi_ms7d25_VERSION_ddr5.rom.

./ z790p_ddr4

The resulting Dasharo firmware image will be placed at $PWD/msi_ms7e06_VERSION_ddr4.rom.

./ z790p_ddr5

The resulting Dasharo firmware image will be placed at $PWD/msi_ms7e06_VERSION_ddr4.rom.


This section presents the crucial steps required to build the Dasharo Heads firmware. For more information, you may also refer to the official Heads building documentation.


This guide was verified on Ubuntu 22.04. In practice, any Linux distribution with Docker support should be enough to complete it.

Make sure that you have following packages installed:


  1. Clone Dasharo Heads repository

     git clone
  2. Navigate to the source code directory and checkout to the desired revision:

cd heads
git checkout msi_ms7d25_v0.9.0
cd heads
git checkout msi_ms7e06_v0.9.0
  1. Start docker container:

    docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD \
      3mdeb/heads-docker:3.0.0 /bin/bash
  2. Inside of the container, start the build process:

BOARD=msi_z690a_ddr4 make

This will produce a Dasharo binary placed in build/x86/msi_z690a_ddr4/dasharo-msi_z690a_ddr4-*.rom.

BOARD=msi_z690a_ddr5 make

This will produce a Dasharo binary placed in build/x86/msi_z690a_ddr5/dasharo-msi_z690a_ddr5-*.rom.

BOARD=msi_z790p_ddr4 make

This will produce a Dasharo binary placed in build/x86/msi_z790p_ddr4/dasharo-msi_z790p_ddr4-*.rom.

BOARD=msi_z790p_ddr5 make

This will produce a Dasharo binary placed in build/x86/msi_z790p_ddr5/dasharo-msi_z790p_ddr5-*.rom.