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Dasharo Performance: CPU frequency measure

Test cases common documentation

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Generic test setup: firmware.
  2. Proceed with the Generic test setup: OS installer.
  3. Proceed with the Generic test setup: OS installation.

CPF001.001 CPU not stuck on initial frequency (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test aims to verify whether the mounted CPU does not stuck on the initial frequency after booting into the OS.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Open a terminal window and run the following command:

    cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i mhz
  5. Note the results.

Expected result

The output of the command should contain information about the current frequency of each CPU core. If the current frequency for each core is the same as initial frequency, the test should be considered as failed.

Example output with unwanted results:

cpu MHz     : 2800.000
cpu MHz     : 2800.000
cpu MHz     : 2800.000
cpu MHz     : 2800.000
cpu MHz     : 2800.000
cpu MHz     : 2800.000
cpu MHz     : 2800.000
cpu MHz     : 2800.000

CPF001.002 CPU not stuck on initial frequency (Windows)

Test description

This test aims to verify whether the mounted CPU does not stuck on the initial frequency after booting into the OS.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Open a powershell as administrator and run the following command:
while(1){(Get-CimInstance CIM_Processor).MaxClockSpeed*((Get-Counter -Counter "\Processor Information(_Total)\% Processor Performance").CounterSamples.CookedValue)/100}
  1. Note the results.

Expected result

The output of the command should contain information about the current frequency of CPU. If the following frequency values are the same, the test should be considered as failed.

Example output with unwanted results:


CPF001.003 CPU not stuck on initial frequency (Heads+Debian)

Test description

This test aims to verify whether the mounted CPU does not stuck on the initial frequency after booting into the OS.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo
  2. OPERATING_SYSTEM = Debian 12

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Open a terminal window and run the following command:

    cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i mhz
  5. Note the results.

Expected result

The output of the command should contain information about the current frequency of each CPU core. If the current frequency for each core is the same as initial frequency, the test should be considered as failed.

Example output with unwanted results:

cpu MHz     : 2800.000
cpu MHz     : 2800.000
cpu MHz     : 2800.000
cpu MHz     : 2800.000
cpu MHz     : 2800.000
cpu MHz     : 2800.000
cpu MHz     : 2800.000
cpu MHz     : 2800.000

CPF002.001 CPU runs on expected frequency (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test aims to verify whether the mounted CPU is running on expected frequency.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Open a terminal window and run the following command:

    lscpu | grep -i mhz
  5. Note the results.

  6. Run the following command in the terminal:

    cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i mhz
  7. Repeat command every one minute, for 60 minutes.

  8. Compare the results.

Expected result

  1. The result of running the first command should contain the information about current, minimum and maximum CPU frequency.

    Example output:

    CPU MHz:                         2800.0000
    CPU max MHz:                     4700.0000
    CPU min MHz:                     400.0000
  2. The result of running the second command should contain the information about current frequency of each CPU core.

    Example output:

    cpu MHz     : 2800.000
    cpu MHz     : 2800.000
    cpu MHz     : 2800.000
    cpu MHz     : 2800.000
    cpu MHz     : 2800.000
    cpu MHz     : 2800.000
    cpu MHz     : 900.542
    cpu MHz     : 461.831
  3. None of CPU core frequencies should be higher than maximum frequency or lower than minimum frequency.

CPF002.002 CPU runs on expected frequency (Windows)

Test description

This test aims to verify whether the mounted CPU is running on expected frequency.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Open a powershell as administrator and run the following command:
(Get-CimInstance CIM_Processor).MaxClockSpeed
  1. Note the result.
  2. Run the following command in the powershell:
while(1){(Get-CimInstance CIM_Processor).MaxClockSpeed*((Get-Counter -Counter "\Processor Information(_Total)\% Processor Performance").CounterSamples.CookedValue)/100}
  1. Repeat command every one minute, for 60 minutes.
  2. Note the results.

Expected result

  1. The result of running the first command should contain the information about maximum CPU frequency.

    Example output:

  2. None of displayed values ​​that follow the second command should be higher than maximum frequency.

    Example output:


CPF003.001 CPU runs on expected frequency (Ubuntu, battery)

Test description

This test aims to verify whether the mounted CPU is running on expected frequency when charger is disconnected. The DUT during test works on battery.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Open a terminal window and run the following command:

    lscpu | grep -i mhz
  5. Note the results.

  6. Run the following command in the terminal:

    cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i mhz
  7. Repeat command every one minute, for 60 minutes.

  8. Compare the results.

Expected result

  1. The result of running the first command should contain the information about current, minimum and maximum CPU frequency.

    Example output:

    CPU MHz:                         1800.000
    CPU max MHz:                     3900.0000
    CPU min MHz:                     1600.0000
  2. The result of running the second command should contain the information about current frequency of each CPU core.

    Example output:

    cpu MHz     : 1700.000
    cpu MHz     : 3719.954
    cpu MHz     : 1600.000
    cpu MHz     : 1600.000
    cpu MHz     : 3778.321
    cpu MHz     : 1800.000
    cpu MHz     : 1700.000
    cpu MHz     : 3806.530
  3. None of CPU core frequencies should be higher than maximum frequency or lower than minimum frequency.

CPF003.002 CPU runs on expected frequency (Windows, battery)

Test description

This test aims to verify whether the mounted CPU is running on expected frequency when charger is disconnected. The DUT during test works on battery.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Open a powershell as administrator and run the following command:
(Get-CimInstance CIM_Processor).MaxClockSpeed
  1. Note the result.
  2. Run the following command in the powershell:
while(1){(Get-CimInstance CIM_Processor).MaxClockSpeed*((Get-Counter -Counter "\Processor Information(_Total)\% Processor Performance").CounterSamples.CookedValue)/100}
  1. Repeat command couple times
  2. Note the results.

Expected result

  1. The result of running the first command should contain the information about maximum CPU frequency.

    Example output:

  2. None of displayed values ​​that follow the second command should be higher than maximum frequency.

    Example output:


CPF004.001 CPU with load runs on expected frequency (Ubuntu)

Test description

This test aims to verify whether the mounted CPU is running on expected frequency during the stress test.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Open a terminal window and run the following command:

    lscpu | grep -i mhz
  5. Note the results.

  6. Open a terminal window and run the following command to turn on the stressor:

    stress-ng --cpu 0 --tz -t 60m

    Stress test duration time might be changed by change the value of the parameter -t.

  7. While test runs, open a terminal window and run the following command every one minute until the test finishes, to check the current frequency.

    cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i mhz
  8. Note the results.

Expected result

  1. The result of running the first command should contain the information about current, minimum and maximum CPU frequency.

    Example output:

    CPU MHz:                         1800.000
    CPU max MHz:                     3900.0000
    CPU min MHz:                     1600.0000
  2. The result of running the third command should contain the information about current frequency of each CPU core.

    Example output:

    cpu MHz     : 1900.000
    cpu MHz     : 1600.000
    cpu MHz     : 2849.923
    cpu MHz     : 1700.000
    cpu MHz     : 2200.000
    cpu MHz     : 3386.400
    cpu MHz     : 1600.000
    cpu MHz     : 1600.000
  3. None of CPU core frequencies should be higher than maximum frequency or lower than minimum frequency.

CPF004.002 CPU with load runs on expected frequency (Windows)

Test description

This test aims to verify whether the mounted CPU is running on expected frequency during the stress test.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Open a powershell as administrator and run the following command:
(Get-CimInstance CIM_Processor).MaxClockSpeed
  1. Note the result.
  2. Run the stressor.
  3. While test runs, open Powershell and run the following command every one minute until the test finishes, to check the current frequency:
(Get-CimInstance CIM_Processor).MaxClockSpeed*((Get-Counter -Counter "\Processor Information(_Total)\% Processor Performance").CounterSamples.CookedValue)/100
  1. Repeat command couple times.
  2. Note the results.

Expected result

  1. The result of running the first command should contain the information about maximum CPU frequency.

    Example output:

  2. None of displayed values ​​that follow the second command should be higher than maximum frequency.

    Example output:


CPF005.001 CPU with load runs on expected frequency (Ubuntu, battery)

Test description

This test aims to verify whether the mounted CPU is running on expected frequency during the stress test. The DUT during test works on battery.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Open a terminal window and run the following command:

    lscpu | grep -i mhz
  5. Note the results.

  6. Open a terminal window and run the following command to turn on the stressor:

    stress-ng --cpu 0 --tz -t 60m

    Stress test duration time might be changed by change the value of the parameter -t.

  7. While test runs, open a terminal window and run the following command every one minute until the test finishes, to check the current frequency.

    cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i mhz
  8. Note the results.

Expected result

  1. The result of running the first command should contain the information about current, minimum and maximum CPU frequency.

    Example output:

    CPU MHz:                         1800.000
    CPU max MHz:                     3900.0000
    CPU min MHz:                     1600.0000
  2. The result of running the third command should contain the information about current frequency of each CPU core.

    Example output:

    cpu MHz     : 1900.000
    cpu MHz     : 1600.000
    cpu MHz     : 2849.923
    cpu MHz     : 1700.000
    cpu MHz     : 2200.000
    cpu MHz     : 3386.400
    cpu MHz     : 1600.000
    cpu MHz     : 1600.000
  3. None of CPU core frequencies should be higher than maximum frequency or lower than minimum frequency.

CPF005.002 CPU with load runs on expected frequency (Windows, battery)

Test description

This test aims to verify whether the mounted CPU is running on expected frequency during the stress test.

Test configuration data

  1. FIRMWARE = Dasharo

Test setup

  1. Proceed with the Test cases common documentation section.

Test steps

  1. Power on the DUT.
  2. Boot into the system.
  3. Log into the system by using the proper login and password.
  4. Open a powershell as administrator and run the following command:
(Get-CimInstance CIM_Processor).MaxClockSpeed
  1. Note the result.
  2. Run the stressor.
  3. While test runs, open Powershell and run the following command every one minute until the test finishes, to check the current frequency:
(Get-CimInstance CIM_Processor).MaxClockSpeed*((Get-Counter -Counter "\Processor Information(_Total)\% Processor Performance").CounterSamples.CookedValue)/100
  1. Repeat command couple times.
  2. Note the results.

Expected result

  1. The result of running the first command should contain the information about maximum CPU frequency.

    Example output:

  2. None of displayed values that follow the second command should be higher than maximum frequency.

    Example output:
