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Source code structure

Every repository forked and maintained by Dasharo Release Team has following branch structure:

  • master or main - follows upstream project master or main branch
  • dasharo - contains all code releases for supported platforms, the list of supported platforms is in Hardware Compatibility List section
  • <platform>/rel_vX.Y.Z - release branch for version X.Y.Z
  • <feature> - tracks development of feature

<platform> = <coreboot_mainboard_vendor>_<coreboot_mainboard_model> if platform is supported by coreboot, otherwise we use common sense and available information about hardware.


Dasharo/coreboot has submodules linked using absolute paths, therefore one can clone this repository directly.

Previous guidelines suggested cloning upstream coreboot first and adding Dasharo as a separate remote, but this is no longer used except when building old versions.

Clone the repository and submodules using the following commands:

git clone
cd coreboot
git submodule update --init --checkout
git remote add upstream


Tags for Dasharo releases across repositories in the Dasharo GitHub organization use the following format: <platform>_vX.Y.Z.

<platform> = <coreboot_mainboard_vendor>_<coreboot_mainboard_model> if platform is supported by coreboot, otherwise we use common sense and available information about hardware.

New platform support

Support for new platforms is submitted via PRs to the dasharo branch. All mainboards supported by Dasharo live in this branch.

Force-pushes rules

Force-pushes to dasharo and master / main are forbidden with the exception of rebasing the dasharo branch on new coreboot versions.

Rebase process

  1. Update master / main branch to the recent coreboot upstream tag (and fetch tags as well)

    git checkout main
    git fetch upstream
    git pull upstream `git describe --tags upstream/main --abbrev=0`
  2. Backup the old dasharo branch, for example:

    git checkout dasharo
    git checkout -b dasharo-4.21
    git push -u origin dasharo-4.21
  3. Rebase the current dasharo branch on the latest tag, for example:

    git checkout -b dasharo-4.22
    git rebase 4.22
  4. Resolve conflicts, build issues and run tests.

  5. When issues are resolved and testing is completed, rename the branch to dasharo:

    git branch -d dasharo
    git branch -M dasharo
  6. Push the new dasharo branch:


    Only repository admin can force-push to protected branches. Contact your TL to finish this step.

    git push -f origin dasharo

Merging guidelines

We want to keep the history linear. The rebase merging strategy is desired. Merge commits in the code repositories are not allowed. The rebase strategy should be the only one available in the GitHub web UI.

Keeping the git history linear makes it easier to bisect issues and rebase commits.

It is, however, strongly advised not to use GitHub web UI to perform code merges. The signed-off tends to be dropped (even when using the rebase strategy), which is problematic for some projects (e.g. it makes the coreboot lint checks fail after merging from the UI).

The procedure of merging is as follows:

  1. Review the code in GitHub.
  2. Make sure to receive at least one Approve in the review process.
  3. Make sure that all change requests are resolved.
  4. Merge the branch using git CLI. In case of merging the feature branch into dasharo branch it may look as follows:

    git fetch dasharo
    git checkout origin/dasharo -b dasharo
    git merge --ff-only origin/<feature>
    git push origin dasharo
  5. This should automatically trigger closing the MR and deleting the merged branch on GitHub.

  6. Note that the merging may fail if the source (in this case: feature) branch is not properly rebased on top of the target (in this case: dasharo) branch. In such a case, one must rebase the source branch first:

    git checkout origin/<feature>
    git checkout -b <feature>
    git rebase origin/dasharo
    git push -f origin <feature>

Remember to push the rebased branch before merging it to dasharo. Otherwise GitHub will not properly detect the merge and won't close the PR and delete the source branch. You should also wait for CI to pass without errors before merging, in rare cases where a rebase breaks something.


For fixes for important issues discovered after release, create a new branch from the release tag, called <platform>/rel_vx_y_z, where the version number matches the release version. Commit fixes into this branch and when finished, bump the z (patch version) component of the version number.

Fixes from this branch should be merged later back into dasharo. Branching from the previous release tag helps avoid introducing breaking changes that may have been merged to dasharo in the time after the affected release has been published.