NovaCustom laptop development environment
This document describes the process of configuring a development and debugging environment for NovaCustom laptops.
The instruction is applicable for PCs running Fedora. If you're using a different distro, some commands (e.g. package installation) may be different.
Embedded Controller
This section describes the development environment for EC firmware on NovaCustom devices. The Embedded Controller firmware is heavily based on System76 EC firmware and makes use of open-source debugging tools and software also developed by System76.
This section outlines the parts and software needed to perform external flashing of the Embedded Controller.
Size |
14 inch models |
15 and 16 inch models |
Programmer |
Arduino Mega 2560 |
Arduino Mega 2560 |
Adapter |
2x12 pin 2.54mm to 24 pin 0.5mm FFC |
2x12 pin 2.54mm to 24 pin 1mm FFC |
Cables |
FFC 0.5mm pitch 24 pin USB-A to USB-B USB-C to USB-C |
FFC 1.0mm pitch 24 pin USB-A to USB-B USB-C to USB-C |
Software |
ecflash |
ecflash |
Obtain a copy of the EC firmware and tools:
git clone cd ec git submodule update --init --checkout ./scripts/
Follow the on-screen instructions to finish configuring your development environment.
- Connect the Arduino to your workstation with a USB-A to USB-B cable. Do not connect the target laptop yet.
Flash the Arduino with debugger firmware:
make BOARD=arduino/mega2560 make BOARD=arduino/mega2560 flash
In the EC directory, build the EC flashing application:
cargo build --manifest-path ecflash/Cargo.toml --example isp --release
Flash the target laptop
- Connect the Arduino to the target laptop with the appropriate FFC cable for your model. If the cable is narrower than the socket on the laptop, align the cable and socket to pin 0 (to the left).
- Connect a second cable (e.g. USB-C to USB-C) from the workstation to the target - this cable is needed provide grounding.
Flash the target:
sudo ecflash/target/release/examples/isp [path/to/firmware.rom]
In case flashing fails, try the following:
- Try running the command again, sometimes it starts working on the third attempt
- Try another grounding cable, USB-A to USB-C, or even HDMI to HDMI have been shown to work
- Try with / without the internal battery connected
- Try with / without the AC adapter connected
- Try plugging in the AC adapter right before / after running the command (last resort)
Build EC firmware:
make BOARD=your/board
Build EC firmware with debugger support enabled
In file
, enable parallel port debugging and choose the log level to get the verbosity you need:# Set log level # 0 - NONE # 1 - ERROR # 2 - WARN # 3 - INFO # 4 - DEBUG # 5 - TRACE CFLAGS+=-DLEVEL=4 # Uncomment to enable debug logging over keyboard parallel port CFLAGS+=-DPARALLEL_DEBUG # Uncomment to enable I2C debug on 0x76 #CFLAGS+=-DI2C_DEBUGGER=0x76
Build firmware for the target:
make BOARD=your/board
Model BOARD NV4xMZ/MB novacustom/nv4x_tgl NS5xMU novacustom/ns5x_tgl NS7xMU novacustom/ns5x_tgl NV4xPZ novacustom/nv4x_adl NS7xPU novacustom/ns5x_adl V540TU novacustom/v540tu V560TU novacustom/v560tu V540TNx novacustom/v540tnx V560TNx novacustom/v560tnx -
Disconnect power from the target.
Flash the firmware to the target:
make BOARD=your/board flash_external # or sudo ecflash/target/release/examples/isp path/to/your/ec.rom
Start the console:
make BOARD=your/board console_external
Connect power to the target.
Power on the target and observe the console for logs.
This section describes the development environment for x86 firmware on NovaCustom devices.
This section outlines the parts and software needed to perform external flashing of the BIOS.
BIOS flashing is the same as with other platforms, except on ADL and MTL models, where the BIOS chip has a WSON-8 form factor. The following table of specs is provided for convenience:
CPU generation | Tiger Lake | Alder Lake | Meteor Lake |
Programmer | CH341a | CH341a | CH341a v1.2 with voltage switch |
Probe | SOIC-8 | WSON-8 | WSON-8 |
Voltage | 3.3v | 3.3v | 1.8v |
Software | flashrom | flashrom | flashrom |
Use flashrom with the CH341a programmer:
flashrom -p ch341a --ifd -i bios -w [path/to/coreboot.rom]
Please refer to the NovaCustom building manual.
Laptop firmware debugging is made difficult by the lack of user-accessible serial ports or other debug facilities. On NovaCustom laptops, we may gain serial console output from coreboot by sending it through the EC, to the EC debugger.
- Target flashed with debug EC firmware
- EC debugger connected to the target
Enabling EC console redirection
- Open your coreboot menuconfig
Go to the
menu and enableSystem76 EC console output
:[...] [ ] SMBus console output [*] System76 EC console output Default console log level (7: DEBUG) ---> [*] Use loglevel prefix to indicate line loglevel [*] Use ANSI escape sequences for console highlighting [...]
- Open your coreboot menuconfig
- Go to the
menu -
edk2 build
toGenerate edk2 debug build
:[...] (3323ed481d35096fb6a7eae7b49f35eff00f86cf) Insert a commit's SHA-1 or a branch name edk2 build (Generate edk2 debug build) ---> (3rdparty/dasharo-blobs/novacustom/bootsplash.bmp) edk2 Bootsplash path and filename [...]
Go to the
Dasharo specific payload options
submenu -
Enable edk2 logging to System76 EC
[*] Enable edk2 logging to System76 EC [*] Skip PS/2 keyboard detection check [*] Include iPXE in edk2 payload [...]
Capturing logs
Open your EC debug console and observe the console output. You should see coreboot and edk2 debug messages on your console.