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Dasharo Product Naming Convention

Following documentation is results of RFC.


Dasharo (firmware_framework[+payload]) [customer_type] Package for


Dasharo's naming scheme is crafted to convey the essential details of each firmware package. It includes the base firmware framework, an optional payload, the targeted market segment, and the customer type. This structure assists in identifying the most suitable package for specific technological needs, market segments, and customer categories.

Components of the naming scheme:

Dasharo (firmware_framework[+payload]) [customer_type] Package for
  • firmware_framework: Mandatory. Specifies the base firmware framework used in the package. Available options:

  • payload (optional): Details the additional software loaded by the firmware. Available options:

The omission of this component implies no additional payload.

  • market_segment: Indicates the target market segment for the package. Possible segments:
Network Appliance/Embedded | Laptop | Desktop | Workstation | Server
  • customer_type: Specifies whether the package is aimed at professional retail customers or enterprise business customers. Options are:
Pro | Enterprise

This naming convention aims to provide clarity and precision, facilitating ease of understanding across Dasharo's firmware offerings.


Dasharo (coreboot+Heads) Pro Package for Laptop

A package aimed at professional retail customers with laptops, incorporating coreboot with the Heads payload.

Dasharo (UEFI) Enterprise Package for Desktop

A package for enterprise business customers for desktops, employing UEFI with no additional payload specified.