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Working with UEFI capsule updates in EDK2


The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of means for working with UEFI update capsules that can be employed by an EDK2-based firmware. This is, however, not an exhaustive list of such tools and there are other ways of managing capsules as is alluded to by the last section.

Tools in EDK's source tree

BaseTools/BinWrappers/PosixLike/GenerateCapsule (really BaseTools/Source/Python/Capsule/ can be used to generate/unpack/dump capsules.

BaseTools/Source/Python/Pkcs7Sign can be used for signing without GenerateCapsule but test keys there are more interesting. The keys come in a form suitable for integration into EDK thus making them a good fit for initial testing.

CapsuleApp.efi (MdeModulePkg/Application/CapsuleApp) can be used to test posting a capsule from a UEFI Shell (or even a bootloader) in various modes (normal, mass storage, UX capsule out of a BMP-file) or dump related information like ESRT (EFI System Resource Table), available FMP (Firmware Management Protocol) instances or result of a failed update attempt (it's stored in EFI variables). To use this application:

  • include corresponding INF-file into package's DSC
  • do not add it to FDF-file, as it won't be used there
  • find the file inside build directory like DasharoPayloadPkgX64/RELEASE_COREBOOT/X64/CapsuleApp.efi and transfer to the system where it needs to be used (likely along with a capsule file)

GenerateCapsule files

The tool is written in Python and can be used standalone after copying a small subtree of EDK2 sources:

├── BinWrappers
│   └── PosixLike
│       └── GenerateCapsule
└── Source
    └── Python
        ├── Capsule/...
        └── Common/...

Capsule information

Capsule is a bundle of:

  • zero or more embedded drivers allowing for update code to come with a capsule instead of being part of current firmware
  • one or more firmware update images (payloads)
  • metadata describing each of the payloads

Creation of a capsule requires providing most of that information, the rest have defaults suitable for most use cases without modifications.

Required payload metadata

Basic information

  • Payload — path to file containing payload data
  • Guid — GUID that identifies firmware variant
  • FwVersion — version of the firmware in the capsule
  • LowestSupportedVersion — the lowest version that new firmware will allow to downgrade to

Versions are 32-bit unsigned integers, requiring a scheme to translate something like v0.9.1 or v24.05.00.01 into an integer. Different firmware variants can employ different translation schemes.

Signing information

Signing takes three keys (root, its subkey and subkey's subkey for signing):

  • OpenSslTrustedPublicCertFile — root key (CA) used for verification
  • OpenSslOtherPublicCertFile — subkey for capsule updates (included along with signature)
  • OpenSslSignerPrivateCertFile — certificate for signing of the capsules

This structure of signing keys is presupposed by GenerateCapsule and Pkcs7Sign but it seems to be a design decision of the tooling rather than a strict requirement on the length of a signing key chain by UEFI or cryptographic implementation in EDK2. In particular, a chain of length 2 (without a subkey) can be used by specifying any certificate in place of the subkey (root, signing certificate or literally any other; it won't be used by the code but still needs to be a valid certificate so the tools don't complain).

Optional payload metadata

There are a few optional fields used to support updating multiple instances of the same device (HardwareInstance), firmware spread out across several flash chips (UpdateImageIndex), firmware with dependencies (Dependencies) as well as for strengthening security (MonotonicCount):

  • HardwareInstance (defaults to 0)
  • UpdateImageIndex (defaults to 1)
  • Dependencies (defaults to no dependencies) which is a string in Depex format
  • MonotonicCount (defaults to 0) which is a 64-bit unsigned integer that is supposed to guard against replay attacks (its value is appended to the payload image before signing)

Capsule creation


Picking a GUID

Every firmware variant should have its own GUID which appears in several places:

  • ESRT entry describing the firmware
  • FMP instance capable of updating the firmware
  • capsule metadata

Switching between firmware variables is possible by adjusting GUID and version fields of a capsule meant to perform the switch.

Preparing signing keys

BaseTools/Source/Python/Pkcs7Sign contains everything necessary for testing purposes and that's what will be used below.

Real-world usage requires proper key management. Key generation is covered by the README of Pkcs7Sign as well as in tianocore's wiki. Pkcs7Sign additionally describes how to integrate generated keys into EDK2's build system.

Preparing GenerateCapsule's input

GenerateCapsule supports taking information via command-line keys or using a JSON file. Using JSON file for configuration is more flexible and future-proof because options allow specifying only a single payload per capsule. That said, capsule flags are accepted only in form of options.

Example JSON file for a capsule that comes with an embedded FMP and uses test keys (relative paths assume build of Dasharo coreboot):

  "EmbeddedDrivers": [
      "Driver": "../Build/DasharoPayloadPkgX64/RELEASE_COREBOOT/X64/FmpDxe.efi"
  "Payloads": [
      "Payload": "../../../../../build/coreboot.rom",
      "Guid": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff",
      "FwVersion": "0x01020000",
      "LowestSupportedVersion": "0x00080000",

      "OpenSslSignerPrivateCertFile": "BaseTools/Source/Python/Pkcs7Sign/TestCert.pem",
      "OpenSslOtherPublicCertFile": "BaseTools/Source/Python/Pkcs7Sign/",
      "OpenSslTrustedPublicCertFile": "BaseTools/Source/Python/Pkcs7Sign/"

Some notes on JSON:

  • GenerateCapsule warns if EmbeddedDrivers isn't provided, having an empty array if one doesn't need to embed any drivers is enough to silence the warning
  • all (even numerical) fields must be given as strings or there will be errors
  • paths to files undergo expansion of environment variables
  • relative paths are relative to current working directory

Building a capsule

The operation is called --encode. JSON file is assumed to be in EDK2's root directory. Output files tend to use .cap extension.

Commands that can be run from inside Dasharo variant of coreboot's tree with EDK2 payload:

cd payloads/external/edk2/workspace/Dasharo/
BaseTools/BinWrappers/PosixLike/GenerateCapsule --encode \
                                                --capflag PersistAcrossReset \
                                                --json-file dasharo.json \
                                                --output dasharo.cap

In case more than one flag needs to be specified, values from multiple --capflag options are combined together. There is no InitiateReset because Linux rejects capsules with this flag and requires a manual soft reset for persistent capsules (CapsuleApp.efi does reset for persistent capsules by default, so no difference in behaviour for it).

Capsule introspection

Viewing metadata

This dumps capsule information on the screen (doesn't perform signature verification):

BaseTools/BinWrappers/PosixLike/GenerateCapsule --dump-info dasharo.cap

Example output:

EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER.CapsuleGuid      = 6DCBD5ED-E82D-4C44-BDA1-7194199AD92A
EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER.HeaderSize       = 00000020
EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER.Flags            = 00050000
  OEM Flags                         = 0000
EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER.CapsuleImageSize = 0081852D
sizeof (Payload)                    = 0081850D
  sizeof (EmbeddedDriver)                                  = 000179C0
EFI_FIRMWARE_MANAGEMENT_CAPSULE_IMAGE_HEADER.UpdateHardwareInstance = 0000000000000000
EFI_FIRMWARE_MANAGEMENT_CAPSULE_IMAGE_HEADER.ImageCapsuleSupport    = 0000000000000001
sizeof (Payload)                                                    = 00800B05
sizeof (VendorCodeBytes)                                            = 00000000
EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_AUTHENTICATION.MonotonicCount                = 0000000000000000
EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_AUTHENTICATION.AuthInfo.Hdr.dwLength         = 00000AED
EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_AUTHENTICATION.AuthInfo.Hdr.wRevision        = 0200
EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_AUTHENTICATION.AuthInfo.CertType             = 4AAFD29D-68DF-49EE-8AA9-347D375665A7
sizeof (EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_AUTHENTICATION.AuthInfo.CertData)    = 00000AD5
sizeof (Payload)                                                = 00800010
FMP_PAYLOAD_HEADER.Signature              = 3153534D (MSS1)
FMP_PAYLOAD_HEADER.HeaderSize             = 00000010
FMP_PAYLOAD_HEADER.FwVersion              = 00020000
FMP_PAYLOAD_HEADER.LowestSupportedVersion = 00000000
sizeof (Payload)                          = 00800000

Don't confuse EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER.CapsuleGuid with firmware GUID. The former defines kind of the capsule which is always equal to FMP for GenerateCapsule. Firmware GUID appears in the output as EFI_FIRMWARE_MANAGEMENT_CAPSULE_IMAGE_HEADER.UpdateImageTypeId.

Unpacking a capsule

The following creates a set of decoded* files and verifies signatures in the process:

BaseTools/BinWrappers/PosixLike/GenerateCapsule \
    --decode dasharo.cap \
    --output decoded \
    --signer-private-cert BaseTools/Source/Python/Pkcs7Sign/TestCert.pem \
    --other-public-cert BaseTools/Source/Python/Pkcs7Sign/ \
    --trusted-public-cert BaseTools/Source/Python/Pkcs7Sign/

Created files:

  • decoded — empty file (GenerateCapsule needs a fix for this because it will even truncate an existing file)
  • decoded.EmbeddedDriver.1.efi — embedded driver whose name is lost
  • decoded.Payload.1.bin — first payload, similarly without original name
  • decoded.json — reconstructed JSON file, although not without troubles (more bugs of GenerateCapsule):
    • EmbeddedDrivers is missing
    • Dependencies is set to None which won't be parsed correctly

Certificates can be omitted for --decode. In this case signatures won't be verified but created files should be identical except for corresponding fields of the output JSON file.

Capsule authentication

The verification of capsules is performed via public-key cryptography (the concepts most relevant here: key pairs and subkeys). This security mechanism uses a root key pair like this:

  1. Public key is embedded into the firmware at build time (one key is enough, but using multiple keys is also supported).
  2. Private key is used to (indirectly, via a subkey) sign capsules.
  3. Signature embedded in the capsule is validated against the public key when an update is attempted to decide whether to perform the update.

Things to note:

  • public root key is well-known
  • private root key is stored in a safe place and nobody but the owner should know it, otherwise there is no security and whoever has access to the key can compromise the firmware (which might as well be considered insecure if the key is no longer private)
  • root key pair can be changed only through a firmware update (not necessarily via an update capsule)
  • signature of a capsule is a feature of the capsule, but not of a firmware image that it carries

The last two points are relevant when one wants to transition from one root key pair to another. This is possible to do via a capsule update as long as there is an ability to sign a capsule with the root key embedded into current firmware (the key itself or any key signed by it (subkey) should do if the signature includes all certificates necessary to validate it). This works because while current firmware validates the capsule, contents of the capsule is free of any restrictions: it can have a different root key pair, it can even be a completely different firmware. In other words, capsule authentication applies only to a single firmware update process. That said, successive updates typically will share the same root key such that the whole series of firmware versions will be compatible with one another (unless LowestSupportedVersion interferes).

Generating signing keys with OpenSSL

The process involves creation of 3 certificates, a local certificate authority (CA) in a directory and 14 files. This warrants some overview of what's going to be done.

Keys making up the chain will assume the following roles:

  • root — self-signed certificate acting as the basis of a CA
  • sub — second-level CA signed by root key
  • sign — a signing key (not a CA) that is signed by sub key

A digital signature algorithm (DSA) consists of a private key (PK) algorithm and a digest algorithm. Keys in a chain don't have to use the same DSA. Also, most DSAs allow use of an arbitrary digest (not Ed25519 or Ed448 which prescribe the use of SHA-512 and SHAKE-256 respectively).

Keys exist independently of the chains in which they appear. When stored, private keys are often encrypted.

Key generation by example

It will be easier to go into finer details while looking at the actual commands. The entire process can be broken into several stages:

  1. Creation of 3 certificates
  2. Construction of a CA
  3. Preparation of root certificate for inclusion into EDK
  4. Preparation of sign certificate for signing

Make certificates

Using 4096-bit RSA keys as an example:

openssl genrsa -aes256 -out root.p8e 4096
openssl genrsa -aes256 -out sub.p8e 4096
openssl genrsa -aes256 -out sign.p8e 4096

Each of them is encrypted with AES-256. The password is queried interactively for creation and each time the certificate is used to sign something. Drop -aes256 to not use encryption (for a test or if you consider access to the files a complete compromise of the security).

.p8e extension is for PKCS #8 format carrying an encrypted private key.

Make a CA

By default, directory for a CA is called demoCA, although it can be different depending on the OS. It can be looked up in /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf as dir = ... in [ CA_default ] section (and that section is in turn referenced by default_ca in [ ca ] section). The directory needs to be set up prior to using openssl ca:

mkdir -p demoCA/newcerts
touch demoCA/index.txt
echo 01 > demoCA/serial

Initialize it with self-signed root certificate (will ask for a password and certificate fields; country, state and organization fields must match root certificate, common name must be a unique non-empty value):

openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -key root.p8e -out

Create certificate signing requests (CSRs) (don't bother with entering a challenge for CSRs, you won't be asked for it):

openssl req -new -key sub.p8e -out sub.csr
openssl req -new -key sign.p8e -out sign.csr

Perform the signing (there will be password and confirmation prompts):

openssl ca -extensions v3_ca \
           -in sub.csr \
           -days 3650 \
           -cert \
           -keyfile root.p8e \
           -notext \
openssl ca -in sign.csr \
           -days 3650 \
           -cert \
           -keyfile sub.p8e \
           -notext \
           -out sign.crt

The -days 3650 is something to be adjusted and is provided as an example that certificate properties are set in a different command for root compared to other certificates.

-notext avoids dumping certificate details in text form to the output file thus making all certificates look consistent. The details are easy to obtain by running openssl x509 -in {cert-file} -text -noout when needed.

*.csr files aren't necessary after successful signing and can be removed.

.pub.pem and .crt files contain essentially the same X.509 certificates, but the former is used for CAs. There is little consistency or sense in extension for these types of files in general, so don't read too much meaning into them.

Prepare root for EDK build system

EDK gets root certificate(s) in a PCD. The PCD name differ and support one or many certificates, in this case it's gFmpDevicePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFmpDevicePkcs7CertBufferXdr which expects one or more certificates in DER (binary) form combined via XDR (simple format where big-endian 32-bit length is followed by that number of bytes).

EDK provides that can generate a file for inclusion via !include in some DSC-file of an EDK package.

openssl x509 -in -out root.cer -outform DER
python payloads/external/edk2/workspace/Dasharo/BaseTools/Scripts/ \
    -p gFmpDevicePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFmpDevicePkcs7CertBufferXdr \
    -i root.cer \
    -x \

root.cer can be removed afterward.

Prepare sign certificate

GenerateCapsule and EDK will only ever need public parts of root and sub certificates, but sign certificate will have to be provided in combination with the corresponding private key. This is achieved by packing the two parts via PKCS #12 which is an archive file format.

openssl pkcs12 either creates a PKCS #12 file or converts it, thus requiring two invocations for obtaining the result in PEM format.

First, create binary PKCS #12 (certificate and corresponding private key):

openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey sign.p8e -in sign.crt -out sign.pfx

Add -passout pass: to perform export (creation, that is) without encryption.

Now convert binary PKCS #12 into PEM form:

openssl pkcs12 -in sign.pfx -out sign.p12

-passin pass: can be added if sign.pfx was created without a password to skip the prompt.

-noenc (-nodec is deprecated in OpenSSL v3) can be added to avoid encrypting sign.p12. Without this option, there will be a password prompt during the conversion and whenever a capsule is signed.

sign.pfx can now be removed.

Supported algorithms and digests

EDK has 2 libraries implementing AuthenticateFmpImage() which is responsible for verifying an FMP image:

  • SecurityPkg/Library/FmpAuthenticationLibRsa2048Sha256
  • SecurityPkg/Library/FmpAuthenticationLibPkcs7

The first one supports only one kind of a key as indicated by its name. Nowadays the second library is much more likely to be used. PKCS #7 is a generic container for signature/signed data and the set of permitted algorithms and digests is defined by the implementation handling it. There are two options in Dasharo EDK based on top of edk2-stable202402 upstream release:

  • OpenSSL v3.0.9
  • MbedTLS v3.3.0

However, because OpenSSL was never designed for embedded environments, it became prohibitively large in v3 which introduced providers feature. This is why Dasharo uses MbedTLS and it will be the focus of the below discussion.

Because MbedTLS deals with certificates prepared by OpenSSL tools, both constrain the set of what can be used.

Build-time configuration

What's actually supported by MbedTLS depends on a specific build and which version of an EDK wrapper is being used.

The library is configured via a set of defines in CryptoPkg/Library/MbedTlsLib/Include/mbedtls/mbedtls_config.h. One of the most important ones is:

#define MBEDTLS_MPI_MAX_SIZE  1024

It specifies the maximum number of bytes available for multiple precision integers and puts a limit on private key algorithms. 1024 is the default value that prevents the use of RSA keys longer than 8192 bits. Elliptic curve (EC) keys are much shorter in size, so the default doesn't affect them in any way.

Another important set of defines is the list of enabled curves:

/* Short Weierstrass curves (supporting ECP, ECDH, ECDSA) */
/* Montgomery curves (supporting ECP) */

Mind that using EC requires the use of MbedTlsLibFull instead of MbedTlsLib, that's really the difference between the two wrappers.

This define is supposed to enable RSASSA-PSS (see below though):


Digest types

MbedTLS has the list of supported digests in include/mbedtls/md.h:

typedef enum {
    MBEDTLS_MD_MD5,       /**< The MD5 message digest. */
    MBEDTLS_MD_SHA1,      /**< The SHA-1 message digest. */
    MBEDTLS_MD_SHA224,    /**< The SHA-224 message digest. */
    MBEDTLS_MD_SHA256,    /**< The SHA-256 message digest. */
    MBEDTLS_MD_SHA384,    /**< The SHA-384 message digest. */
    MBEDTLS_MD_SHA512,    /**< The SHA-512 message digest. */
    MBEDTLS_MD_RIPEMD160, /**< The RIPEMD-160 message digest. */

OpenSSL supports all of them (see openssl list -digest-algorithms, but not all listed there work with X.509 certificates, not clear why).

Private key algorithms

These are listed in include/mbedtls/pk.h of MbedTLS:

typedef enum {
} mbedtls_pk_type_t;

OpenSSL supports the following ones (see openssl list -signature-algorithms but only those which were accepted by OpenSSL in the commands above are listed here):

  • rsa
  • rsa-pss
  • ed25519
  • ed448
  • ec

rsa and ec are the only ones that actually worked. While Ed25519 and Ed448 curves are there, that is far from a complete implementation of a corresponding DSAs.

rsa-pss is also explicitly enabled, but the following error reported at run-time:

/** Key algorithm is unsupported (only RSA and EC are supported). */
#define MBEDTLS_ERR_PK_UNKNOWN_PK_ALG      -0x3C80

Suggesting that it's not actually supported even when enabled. The situation might be similar to the elliptic curves above.

What's actually supported and how to use it

Valid digest names for OpenSSL:

  • md5
  • ripemd160
  • sha1
  • sha224
  • sha256
  • sha384
  • sha512

How a digest is to be specified depends on a particular subcommand:

  • openssl ca takes -md {digest-name}
  • openssl req takes -{digest-name} (confusingly documented as -digest)

openssl genpkey accepts -algorithm {alg} parameter and rsa or ec works.

RSA key length's lower bound is 512 in OpenSSL and upper bound is 8192 in MbedTLS by default. Key size can be configured with -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:numbits if openssl genpkey is used.

Given that MbedTLS has only 3 standard curves enabled, there are only 3 possibilities for an EC algorithm (use of MbedTlsLibFull is required):

  • -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:P-256
  • -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:P-384
  • -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:P-521 script

Building a capsule

As a convenience, there is a script which can be used to ease capsule creation by automating some of the steps. Once a firmware has been built, an update capsule for it can be created by running the following from coreboot's root directory:

./ make -t keys/ \
                  -o keys/ \
                  -s keys/TestCert.pem

(The command assumes that signing keys from BaseTools/Source/Python/Pkcs7Sign/ in EDK have been copied to keys/.)

JSON file will be automatically generated based on the contents of coreboot's .config file which contains all the necessary information when the capsule support is enabled (and the script aborts if it's not the case).

Output file name is generated based on coreboot options like CONFIG_MAINBOARD_DIR and CONFIG_LOCALVERSION, for example:

  • emulation-qemu-q35-v0.2.0.cap
  • msi-ms7d25-ddr4-v1.1.9.cap

Generating test signing keys

In order to test capsules signed with unsupported keys, one needs to generate a suitable set of keys which can be done like this:

./ keygen my-test-keys

At the end the script prints commands to use the keys (wrapped manually here):

Installing root certificate (before build):
  cp my-test-keys/ \

Signing a capsule (after build):
  ./ make -t my-test-keys/ \
                    -o my-test-keys/ \
                    -s my-test-keys/sign.p12


The generated keys are for testing only, field values are hard-coded and no additional encryption is employed to achieve a convenient non-interactive key creation.


It's also possible to generate capsules via EDK's build system by configuring it in FDF file like its done in edk2-platforms here. That's the EDK2-way of doing things via SignedCapsulePkg (PDF) but it appears to be less flexible due to relying on the build system of EDK2 which is quite rigid for a large firmware variance that can be found in Dasharo.

Because GenerateCapsule is in Python and at least part of the functionality is abstracted in form of modules, it's also possible to build custom tools on top of that.